Hvem skal ind?

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Indlæg: 989
Tilmeldt: lørdag, 12. jan, 2008 15:56
Geografisk sted: København
Alder: 34

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af SaibotDK » søndag, 01. feb, 2009 14:18

AJ skrev:Det ville absolut være en mulighed at hente Mendy, men dog ingen nødvendighed. Arbeloa har været stabilt spillende, mens Darby og Carragher også står klar til at tage over. Der er dog ingen af dem der deler Mendys speed.
Ved ikke helt hvordan jeg har det med Carragher på højre back, men Mendy kan jo også spille længere fremme på banen, og der kunne han vel være lidt mere interessant at se på end Kuyt :D

Peter From

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Peter From » søndag, 01. feb, 2009 14:54

Mendy er det ikke en man køber når offensiven er begyndt at fungere ordentligt, han har vel ikke de kavliteter, der mangler i højresiden, omend han har nogle så kan de vente. det er bare noget sheit, hvis man må nøjes med en ny højrekant, der ikke er stort bedre end de andre fordi man også lige skulle smide(tallet er der for argumentationens skyld og bør ikke tages videre alvorligt) £5 mill. efter en højreback og £3 mill efter en venstrebenet backup til Riera, selvom jeg gerne så en sådan, men ikke før start elleveren er der.

Hr. Drejer
Indlæg: 13798
Tilmeldt: søndag, 07. okt, 2007 21:52
Geografisk sted: Skee

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Hr. Drejer » søndag, 01. feb, 2009 14:57

Why is Keane really out of Liverpool squad?

Robbie Keane’s omission from the Liverpool squad to face Chelsea at Anfield this afternoon has sparked a flurry of rumours and prompted many of you to get in touch asking me what I know….

RedEric writes: "Guillem, is Keane signing for Spurs now he's out of the squad for Chelsea...why did Rafa sign him then? The rumour is that there could be a swap deal with Spurs today. Heard anything?"

Thanks to everyone who has been in touch - and keep your questions, comments and rumours coming in - but the first thing that must be said is that, with the clock ticking down fast on the January transfer window, things can move very quickly and any situation as it appears at the moment can change in the blink of an eye and deals are being proposed and advanced all over the place as you read this.

However, at the moment I’ve got the impression that Robbie Keane has been left out of the Liverpool squad to face Chelsea this afternoon because he has simply had enough of being left on the bench and started to believe that he may be better off leaving the club. With a game of such importance as this afternoon’s, Benitez plainly cannot risk including a player who has one eye on the exit door.

According to sources at Spurs, Daniel Levy has already approached Liverpool with a view to taking Robbie Keane back to White Hart Lane and the Tottenham chairman has even suggested that he would allow Bale and Bentley to feature in an exchange. Liverpool, however, have said they are not interested in either player.

A lot of you have been commenting on the wisdom of spending £20 million on Robbie Keane and asking ‘why did Rafa spend so much money on him if he wasn’t going to use him.’ The thing that needs to be understood – and is at the core of the current contract negotiations – is that Rafa Benitez did not have control over how funds were allocated: in other words, he did not sanction the spending of £20 million on Robbie Keane.

That doesn’t mean Rafa never wanted the player, but it does mean that he may never have spent that much. And while he may have only been willing to sign him for a smaller fee, it now places Benitez in a very difficult position if he sells him for any less than the £20 million Liverpool paid for him and the club is seen to have made a loss. Benitez will be held responsible for underselling a player who has surprised many at the club – including players and technical staff – who had expected a great deal more from the Republic of Ireland forward.

That means, if Liverpool do decide to sell Robbie Keane, it is going to take a very interesting offer from someone and it will probably only involve a straight cash deal, rather than a player swap.

http://www.guillembalague.com/rumores_d ... ad?&id=167

Måske er han på vej ud, men hvem er så på vej ind?
"Giving absolutely everything doesn't mean you get anything... but it’s the only chance to get something!”
Jurgen Klopp

Indlæg: 149
Tilmeldt: torsdag, 31. maj, 2007 15:13
Geografisk sted: København
Alder: 33

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Drezz » søndag, 01. feb, 2009 15:38

Hr. Drejer skrev:Why is Keane really out of Liverpool squad?

Robbie Keane’s omission from the Liverpool squad to face Chelsea at Anfield this afternoon has sparked a flurry of rumours and prompted many of you to get in touch asking me what I know….

RedEric writes: "Guillem, is Keane signing for Spurs now he's out of the squad for Chelsea...why did Rafa sign him then? The rumour is that there could be a swap deal with Spurs today. Heard anything?"

Thanks to everyone who has been in touch - and keep your questions, comments and rumours coming in - but the first thing that must be said is that, with the clock ticking down fast on the January transfer window, things can move very quickly and any situation as it appears at the moment can change in the blink of an eye and deals are being proposed and advanced all over the place as you read this.

However, at the moment I’ve got the impression that Robbie Keane has been left out of the Liverpool squad to face Chelsea this afternoon because he has simply had enough of being left on the bench and started to believe that he may be better off leaving the club. With a game of such importance as this afternoon’s, Benitez plainly cannot risk including a player who has one eye on the exit door.

According to sources at Spurs, Daniel Levy has already approached Liverpool with a view to taking Robbie Keane back to White Hart Lane and the Tottenham chairman has even suggested that he would allow Bale and Bentley to feature in an exchange. Liverpool, however, have said they are not interested in either player.

A lot of you have been commenting on the wisdom of spending £20 million on Robbie Keane and asking ‘why did Rafa spend so much money on him if he wasn’t going to use him.’ The thing that needs to be understood – and is at the core of the current contract negotiations – is that Rafa Benitez did not have control over how funds were allocated: in other words, he did not sanction the spending of £20 million on Robbie Keane.

That doesn’t mean Rafa never wanted the player, but it does mean that he may never have spent that much. And while he may have only been willing to sign him for a smaller fee, it now places Benitez in a very difficult position if he sells him for any less than the £20 million Liverpool paid for him and the club is seen to have made a loss. Benitez will be held responsible for underselling a player who has surprised many at the club – including players and technical staff – who had expected a great deal more from the Republic of Ireland forward.

That means, if Liverpool do decide to sell Robbie Keane, it is going to take a very interesting offer from someone and it will probably only involve a straight cash deal, rather than a player swap.

http://www.guillembalague.com/rumores_d ... ad?&id=167

Måske er han på vej ud, men hvem er så på vej ind?
Bentley ville da ikke være dårlig at få, ville han?

Indlæg: 1159
Tilmeldt: torsdag, 31. maj, 2007 15:56

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Janse » søndag, 01. feb, 2009 16:23

Caroline Cheese fabulerer lidt på bbc's live score, og skriver at Keane er på vej til Spurs og at vi får Lennon den anden vej. Om det skriver hun:
So are Liverpool going to ship out Jermaine Pennant, a tricky winger whose final ball often disappoints, and bring in Aaron Lennon, a tricky winger whose final ball often disappoints?
Hvis ikke Keane er på vej væk, så er det da ihvertfald noget underligt at have Keane ude. Det kan godt være at han har været skidt i mange kampe, men at forestille sig at Ngog skulle kunne gøre en forskel virker absurt... Øv hvor er det ikke kønt!
Aim for the sky and you'll reach the ceiling. Aim for the ceiling and you'll stay on the floor.

Indlæg: 7229
Tilmeldt: lørdag, 26. jan, 2008 15:29
Geografisk sted: København Ø

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Aarde » søndag, 01. feb, 2009 23:15

Jeg er stor fortaler for at vi henter Lennon, som har været en af Tottenhams bedste i år. Men jeg vil altså ikke af med Keane og slet ikke nu. Timingen for det her rygte er simpelthen lige til at lukke op og skide i, så lige nu håber jeg mest af alt bare at vinduet smækker uden nogen ændringer på holdet - det er ikke det vi har brug for lige nu. Så kan vi altid se på tingenes tilstand til sommer - der har vi også lidt flere penge at lege med (læs: præmiepenge fra PL, CL og FA Cup plus eventuelle tilskud fra nye ejere).

Indlæg: 7395
Tilmeldt: onsdag, 23. apr, 2008 18:37

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af JudgeArdaStudge » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 10:09

Drezz skrev:
Hr. Drejer skrev:Why is Keane really out of Liverpool squad?

Robbie Keane’s omission from the Liverpool squad to face Chelsea at Anfield this afternoon has sparked a flurry of rumours and prompted many of you to get in touch asking me what I know….

RedEric writes: "Guillem, is Keane signing for Spurs now he's out of the squad for Chelsea...why did Rafa sign him then? The rumour is that there could be a swap deal with Spurs today. Heard anything?"

Thanks to everyone who has been in touch - and keep your questions, comments and rumours coming in - but the first thing that must be said is that, with the clock ticking down fast on the January transfer window, things can move very quickly and any situation as it appears at the moment can change in the blink of an eye and deals are being proposed and advanced all over the place as you read this.

However, at the moment I’ve got the impression that Robbie Keane has been left out of the Liverpool squad to face Chelsea this afternoon because he has simply had enough of being left on the bench and started to believe that he may be better off leaving the club. With a game of such importance as this afternoon’s, Benitez plainly cannot risk including a player who has one eye on the exit door.

According to sources at Spurs, Daniel Levy has already approached Liverpool with a view to taking Robbie Keane back to White Hart Lane and the Tottenham chairman has even suggested that he would allow Bale and Bentley to feature in an exchange. Liverpool, however, have said they are not interested in either player.

A lot of you have been commenting on the wisdom of spending £20 million on Robbie Keane and asking ‘why did Rafa spend so much money on him if he wasn’t going to use him.’ The thing that needs to be understood – and is at the core of the current contract negotiations – is that Rafa Benitez did not have control over how funds were allocated: in other words, he did not sanction the spending of £20 million on Robbie Keane.

That doesn’t mean Rafa never wanted the player, but it does mean that he may never have spent that much. And while he may have only been willing to sign him for a smaller fee, it now places Benitez in a very difficult position if he sells him for any less than the £20 million Liverpool paid for him and the club is seen to have made a loss. Benitez will be held responsible for underselling a player who has surprised many at the club – including players and technical staff – who had expected a great deal more from the Republic of Ireland forward.

That means, if Liverpool do decide to sell Robbie Keane, it is going to take a very interesting offer from someone and it will probably only involve a straight cash deal, rather than a player swap.

http://www.guillembalague.com/rumores_d ... ad?&id=167

Måske er han på vej ud, men hvem er så på vej ind?
Bentley ville da ikke være dårlig at få, ville han?
Heller ikke god at få.
"It's not so important what people think when you come in. It's much more important what people think when you leave ."- Jürgen Norbert Klopp

Indlæg: 7229
Tilmeldt: lørdag, 26. jan, 2008 15:29
Geografisk sted: København Ø

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Aarde » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 10:47

Sky's Transfer Clockwatch:

8.00 Sky Sports News has reporters all round the country on Deadline Day. They believe Spurs are looking to bring Robbie Keane back to White Hart Lane with speculation that Aaron Lennon could be part of any deal.

8.12 It looks like Spurs could be busy on deadline day. Skysports.com understands they are looking to sign Portuguese international Ricardo Quaresma on loan from Inter Milan.

(8.31 Sky Bet have a range of deadline day-related markets. They have Robbie Keane at 1/4 to stay at Liverpool while he is 5/2 to move to Spurs.)

10.05 Sky Sports News are reporting Spurs have increased their bid for Robbie Keane as they look to bring their former striker back to White Hart Lane.

Spurs ude efter Quaresma - skal han mon agere erstatning for Lennon, som vi overtager i en handel med Keane?

Jeg synes stadig vi bør vente med at foretage os noget som helst til sommer - i hvert fald hvis det indebærer at vi mister spillere. Skal vi have nogen ind, bør de købes og ikke byttes. Vi har ikke brug for spillerafgang og mere uro i truppen end der allerede er.

Indlæg: 989
Tilmeldt: lørdag, 12. jan, 2008 15:56
Geografisk sted: København
Alder: 34

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af SaibotDK » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 11:57

Hvad med at prøve på at leje Quaresma nu han alligvel ikke er registreret til CL - og han er rygtet væk. Det ville vel ikke koste os andet end noget løn til ham?

Indlæg: 7395
Tilmeldt: onsdag, 23. apr, 2008 18:37

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af JudgeArdaStudge » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 12:09

SaibotDK skrev:Hvad med at prøve på at leje Quaresma nu han alligvel ikke er registreret til CL - og han er rygtet væk. Det ville vel ikke koste os andet end noget løn til ham?
Men er han god nok? Synes han virker lidt som en humørspiller. Han kan helt sikkert bringe noget offensivt til, men ikke sikkert han er god nok til Rafa. Der kræves jo også han arbejder med defensivt.
"It's not so important what people think when you come in. It's much more important what people think when you leave ."- Jürgen Norbert Klopp

Indlæg: 9729
Tilmeldt: onsdag, 27. jun, 2007 14:49
Geografisk sted: København
Alder: 49

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af texy » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 12:15

Masche20 skrev:
SaibotDK skrev:Hvad med at prøve på at leje Quaresma nu han alligvel ikke er registreret til CL - og han er rygtet væk. Det ville vel ikke koste os andet end noget løn til ham?
Men er han god nok? Synes han virker lidt som en humørspiller. Han kan helt sikkert bringe noget offensivt til, men ikke sikkert han er god nok til Rafa. Der kræves jo også han arbejder med defensivt.
Du har nok ret i, at Quaresma er en humørspiller, men han kunne i dén grad hjælpe os til at åbne de kompakte forsvar vi møder på Anfield. Hvis vi alligevel spiller med Torres alene på toppen, mener jeg godt at vi kan tillade os at have en "doven" højrekant. I hvert fald mod holdene udenfor top 4.

Jeg er vild med hans offensive kvaliteter. Hvis jeg husker rigtigt, har Benitez dog engang haft en samtale med ham, hvor han kom frem til, at han ikke var en spiller, der ville gøre gavn i hans trup.



Peter From

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Peter From » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 12:19

texnymann skrev:
Masche20 skrev:
SaibotDK skrev:Hvad med at prøve på at leje Quaresma nu han alligvel ikke er registreret til CL - og han er rygtet væk. Det ville vel ikke koste os andet end noget løn til ham?
Men er han god nok? Synes han virker lidt som en humørspiller. Han kan helt sikkert bringe noget offensivt til, men ikke sikkert han er god nok til Rafa. Der kræves jo også han arbejder med defensivt.
Du har nok ret i, at Quaresma er en humørspiller, men han kunne i dén grad hjælpe os til at åbne de kompakte forsvar vi møder på Anfield. Hvis vi alligevel spiller med Torres alene på toppen, mener jeg godt at vi kan tillade os at have en "doven" højrekant. I hvert fald mod holdene udenfor top 4.

Jeg er vild med hans offensive kvaliteter. Hvis jeg husker rigtigt, har Benitez dog engang haft en samtale med ham, hvor han kom frem til, at han ikke var en spiller, der ville gøre gavn i hans trup.


Men hvis man kan lave en lejekontrakt på Quaresma er det vel næsten værd at forsøge om han ikke kan fås til at passe ind, da man sidst vurderede ham havde han jo et alvorligt prisskilt , nu leger man slet ikke med de samme penge hvorfor man vel godt kunne hygge sig lidt.

Hr. Drejer
Indlæg: 13798
Tilmeldt: søndag, 07. okt, 2007 21:52
Geografisk sted: Skee

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Hr. Drejer » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 12:22

Måske lejer Spurs Quaresma og det baner vejen for at Liverpool køber Lennon - uafhængigt af Kenae-handlen. Bare en strøtanke.
"Giving absolutely everything doesn't mean you get anything... but it’s the only chance to get something!”
Jurgen Klopp


Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Johlle » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 12:23

Nu når vi snakker Inter og spillere der er blevet "black-listed" af Mourinho, så falder mine tanker på Mario Balotelli. Han er suverænt en af europas største angrebstalenter, men Mourinho bryder sig ikke om spilleren. Han kan til tider have disciplinære problemer, især hvis han ikke indgår i start 11'eren, men han har uden tvivl kvalitet til at spille ved siden af Torres. Og så har han jo vist sig som en rigtig målsluger allerede.

Indlæg: 527
Tilmeldt: torsdag, 31. maj, 2007 16:03

Re: Hvem skal ind?

Indlæg af Fred » mandag, 02. feb, 2009 12:28

Seneste rygter er det er 12.5m+Zokora for Keane.
